Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Growth Green Agriculture is an investment company solely investing in agriculture and farmland in Ukraine

By producing wheat and other crop that is very competitive in a low cost environment and selling them on the world-wide market, we expect an average investor return of around 15% p.a.

Growth  Green Agriculture

The time is right to invest in agriculture business. Interest rates are at historically low levels and the vast majority of big corporations are struggling to make their anticipated profits. In the current market, most start-ups will fail to meet their commercial targets. At the same time, the world is crying out for more food, more biofuels and more energy, as well as more sustainable forestry to deal with carbon emissions.
More than 1 billion people are starving today. Food production will have to increase by more than 50% just to provide for the basic needs of the global population predicted for 2050. This will place significant demands on the farming sector and agricultural prices are anticipated to rise significantly over the coming decades.

It is happening already. In 2009 alone, the average price of agricultural products rose by 11.9%, while average inflation in Europe was only around 2%. Investors in cash, stocks and bonds made just 3% return (The Economist, January, 2010). That is why green investments are not only ethical and socially responsible but also hugely attractive. They have the best guarantees and forecasts.


“In short, there has never been a better time to make a green agricultural investment”.

According to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, the number of malnourished people in the world rose to over 1 billion in 2008 and this figure is likely to increase (The Economist, 19/11/09). Major global challenges are just decades away and today's reports on global warming, trading imbalances and escalating demand for resources are only the beginning.

Growth Green Agriculture wants to be part of turning the trend around. We know that we can show investors that socially responsible agriculture investments in the emerging markets ,can lead to both great profits and a better world for future generations.

We believe it is possible to generate solid returns, capital wealth and environmental protection at the same time. We would argue that, by definition, sustainable investment is the only investment that has a future.We accept that the only viable way to attract adequate investment capital to restore and maintain global health is to ensure that sustainable investing is more attractive than the alternatives.

We want to give ethical investments a new face and provide the market with innovative and creative solutions, while at the same time consulting on profitable investment opportunities. Growth Green Agriculture strives to be socially responsible to all the environments in which we operate, to build strong, reliable relationships and to generate solid profit for our management clients through sustainable agriculture investment projects.

Growth Green Agriculture Plc is a UK based agricultural investments company specialising in emerging markets offering unique opportunities to invest in Ghana. GGAgriculture acts as consultant on green and socially responsible investments to the private and institutional investor community in Europe.