AWEPA is collaborating with the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) to organize a two-day seminar on "Making Agricultural Investments Work for Africa: the Role of Parliamentarians" in Kigali, Rwanda, on 26-27 April 2013.
Growth Green Agriculture (GG Agriculture) |
This event is part of a series of similar workshops on the same theme launched at the initiative of the Pan-African Parliament, each targeting a specific sub-region. This particular workshop has been tailored to the specificities of the East Africa Region.
In many cases, foreign investment benefits large-scale farming operations while leaving vulnerable communities marginalized. The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness among parliamentarians on the current scale and impact of foreign direct investment and to strengthen land policy and governance in East Africa. The participants to this seminar will aim at developing a detailed action plan to ensure that foreign investment in agriculture also brings tangible benefits to local communities including the most vulnerable populations, small-holder farmers and women farmers.
Location Kigali, Rwanda
Reproduced from an article that appeared in
Agricultural Investments with Growth Green Agriculture (GG Agriculture) |
+GG Agriculture Plc is a UK based agricultural investments company specialising in emerging markets offering lucrative opportunities to cominvest in Ghana. GGAgriculture acts as consultant on green and socially responsible investments to the private and institutional investor community in Europe. http://ggagriculture.